On Mon, Oct 27, 2008 at 10:06 PM, Stuart Halloway
> The code below implements a Monte Carlo simulation to estimate the
> value of pi. It works, and it was easy to reuse the original single-
> threaded approach across multiple agents.
> How idiomatic is this use of agents? Other than bringing in ForkJoin,
> are there other idiomatic ways to parallelize divide-and-conquer in
> Clojure?

Did you look at pmap?  You might be able to use something like (pmap
(fn [_] (sample-for-pi count)) (range count)), and then use that in
your guess-from-samples reduce.  I'm thinking this might be better
because it would handle more of the work: scaling to the number of
CPUs, launching the agents, waiting for the results.  I'm not sure
it's a perfect fit -- perhaps pmap adds unneeded overhead.

BTW, using "count" as a local name can cause surprises later when
someone tries to use the clojure/count function.


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