On 05.11.2008, at 17:16, Mark H. wrote:

> and replace copies with destructive writes.  I haven't seen a purely
> functional formulation of LU factorization but it could be done
> without too much trouble.  Of course there's no reason to go through
> that effort because people spend so much time optimizing LU and its
> constituent components that you would be better off reusing their
> work.

For the immediate future, yes. But with changing computer  
architectures, the existing algorithms and routines may lose much of  
their interest in the future.

> To me the more interesting and rewarding task is to figure out how to
> splice existing HPC libraries into a functional framework, without
> losing the ability to reason functionally about the components.

Unfortunately, it is already a bit of a pain to link existing HPC  
libraries (written in Fortran, C, or C++) to functional code in any  
decent language. Clojure won't help there, as there are still very  
few HPC libraries for the JVM and JNI adds too much of an overhead.

> Definitely!  We've got at least one fellow here who uses Common Lisp
> to generate stencil codes.  He's been thinking about switching to
> Clojure ever since he and I worked on a thorny Lisp problem
> together ;-)

I am looking forward to a nice Clojure library then :-)


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