Nice blog entry :)

My setup tends to mirror yours esp. as I've culled most of it from
your blog over the years...
Most of my startup scripts are modified versions of those you've
shared elsewhere.

I don't segment it out quite so much as it makes for transporting
directory trees difficult, and my directory structure is less UML more

I'm launching Clojure as the default lisp now so it's M-x Slime

Running W32 at work and OpenSuse at home I try to mirror everything as
much as possible beneath my user directory which makes transporting
configs fairly straight forward.  (I set EmacsW32 to convert
everything to UNIX style as much as possible - can't imagine working
the other direction).  I run the same color theme (ld-dark) on both
machines which keeps the transition transparent and ld-dark looks GOOD
at the REPL (to my eyes)

We differ on the build script.  It seems a waste of bandwidth to go
quite so scorched earth on the svn builds.
I glommed a modified setup that from a discussion here:

I use
;;; *Nix structure
/home/USERNAME/clojure/clojure-mode <==== clojure-mode for Emacs
/home/USERNAME/clojure/swank-clojure <==== swank for Emacs Slime
/home/USERNAME/clojure/clojure-svn/trunk <==== Trunk created on svn co
/home/USERNAME/clojure/clojure-contrib/trunk <==== Trunk created on
svn co
/home/USERNAME/clojure/Pragmatic-Programming-book/code <==== example
code from book
/home/USERNAME/local-emacs/slime <==== Slime for Emacs

;;; Windows Config
  c:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\My Documents\clojure
which contains the following files and folders
--- slime               <==== emacs slime direictory .el files in here
--- clojure             <==== clojure.jar will be in ./trunk/clojure.jar
--- clojure-contrib     <==== clojure-contrib.jar is in here
--- clojure-mode        <==== clojure-mode emacs .el files in here
--- swank-clojure       <==== swank.jar is in here
--- launcher
    --- launch-clojure.bat <==== script to start clojure (swank-
---Pragmatic-closure    <==== Code from Pragmatic Book - Programming
   ---Pragmatict Programming Code

;;; I use thes for cleaning up and documenting my notes while i learn
(defun comment-divider ()
";;; =============================="))

(global-set-key "\C-c\C-di" 'comment-divider)

;;; ==============================
(defun user-evald ()
"useful for inserting the users evaluated list  at ^ for notes  and
repasting into a new REPL e.g.
user> (+ 1 2)
;;; => 3 "
";;; => "))

(global-set-key "\C-c\M-;" 'user-evald)

On Dec 5, 5:07 pm, bc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> My setup is here:
> What does your Clojure Emacs setup look like?
> --
> Bill Clementson
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