On Dec 10, 2008, at 1:50 PM, Stephen C. Gilardi wrote:

- I think init.clj and repl-init.clj would be good additions to what we have now. I'll be happy to write the code if it's welcome.

Alternatively, we could make those hooks be functions that one can (optionally) define in user.clj. The platform entry point would call them if they exist:

        (ns user)

        (defn init
          (set! *compile-path* "my/compiled/clojure"))

        (defn repl-init
          (set! *print-length* 100)
          (set! *print-level* 10)
          (println "Hiya, pal!"))

I like that because it would make for a unified story and single file to worry about for all these initializations.


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