On Wed, Dec 10, 2008 at 2:13 PM, Daniel Eklund <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> As an off-hand comment made without careful reading, I can imagine
> there being great utility in a special reader-syntax for paths.  XSLT
> embeds xpath, and groovy embeds gpath.  I am unsure at this point the
> exact capabilities of the zipper, so I don't know whether it's meant
> to go to a single location in a tree (it seems this way)

That's right.  Every navigation operation on a zip tree gives you a
single tree with a new "current location".

> or whether it
> refers to a sequence of all tree nodes that satisfy the predicates of
> the path (as xpath and gpath do).  For the latter scenario, though, a
> reader syntax for a "path" could be very useful.

For this, you may be interested in clojure.contrib.zip-filter.  It
takes a single zip tree and then applies a series of filters, each of
which may increase or reduce the number of nodes that match (so far),
and/or map each node to some new object.

It has a specialization for XML zip-trees that allows expressions like:

(xml-> atom1 :entry :author :name text)

...where atom1 is an xml-zip tree of an atom feed.  The above
expression would return a seq of author name strings.

It doesn't require reader macros or even regular macros.  The 'xml->'
function just takes a number of functions that it applies in order.
The keywords are a special case for XML and act as if you wrote:

(xml-> atom1 (tag= :entry) (tag= :author) (tag= :name) text)

A primary benefit of not having a special syntax is that it's easy to
drop in custom filtering and mapping functions.  For example, get the
titles of atom entries with odd-numbered ids:

(xml-> atom1 :entry [:id text #(odd? (Integer. %))] :title text)


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