To answer my own question:
  [#^HttpServletRequest request]
  {:server-port (.getServerPort request)
   :server-name (.getServerName request)
   :remote-addr (.getRemoteAddr request)
   :uri (.getRequestURI request)
   :query-string (.getQueryString request)
   :scheme (keyword (.getScheme request))
   :request-method (keyword (.toLowerCase (.getMethod request)))
   :headers (reduce
                          (fn [header-map #^String header-name]
                            (assoc header-map
                              (.toLowerCase header-name)
                              (.getHeader request header-name)))
                          (enumeration-seq (.getHeaderNames request)))
   :content-type (.getContentType request)
   :content-length (let [len (.getContentLength request)]
                         (if (>= len 0) len))
   :character-encoding (.getCharacterEncoding request)
   :body (.getInputStream request)})

Which by the way is awesome, because you function takes a map, which doesn't
have to be created from an HttpServletRequest object.  For the purposes of
testing, you can just construct a map with the parts you want and pass that
to your function.  Great Work!

On Tue, Jan 13, 2009 at 1:13 AM, Paul Barry <> wrote:

> What's does the req object that is passed into the function have in it?
> On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 11:45 PM, Mark McGranaghan <>wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I'm happy to announce the alpha release of 'Ring', a library inspired
>> by Python's WSGI and Ruby's Rack for developing web applications in
>> Clojure.
>> I've made it as easy as humanly possible for you to try it out:
>>    git clone git://
>>    cd ring
>>    java -Djava.ext.dirs=jars clojure.main src/ring/examples/
>> hello_world.clj
>> And your up and running with your first Ring web app, which you can
>> see at http://localhost:8080/ in your browser.
>> The basic idea of Ring is that web apps are just Clojure functions
>> that take a standardized request as a single argument and return and
>> standardized response. For example, the hello_world.clj script from
>> above is:
>>   (ns ring.examples.hello-world
>>     (:require ring.jetty)
>>     (:import java.util.Date java.text.SimpleDateFormat))
>>   (def formatter (SimpleDateFormat. "HH:mm:ss"));
>>   (defn app
>>     [req]
>>     {:status  200
>>      :headers {"Content-Type" "text/html"}
>>      :body    (str "<h3>Hello World from Ring</h3>"
>>                    "<p>The current time is "
>>                    (.format formatter (Date.)) ".</p>")})
>>   (ring.jetty/run {:port 8080} app)
>> Its nice to be able to get to "Hello World" so quickly, but the real
>> power of Ring is that apps are just functions - hence we can combine,
>> wrap, curry, and generally manipulate them as first class values.
>> For example, someone asked in #clojure today how they could make their
>> web app provide a cleaned backtrace as an HTML response when it raised
>> exceptions. To add such exception handling to our Hello World Ring app
>> we would just use the ring.backtrace middleware:
>>    (ring.jetty/run {:port 8080} app)
>>    becomes
>>    (ring.jetty/run {:port 8080}
>>      (ring.backtrace/wrap
>>        app))
>> Similarly, one might want to have changes to a web app's code be
>> reflected in real time in the development environment, so as to avoid
>> constantly having to reboot the webserver. The ring.reload middleware
>> accomplishes exactly that:
>>    (ring.jetty/run {:port 8080}
>>      (ring.backtrace/wrap
>>        (ring.reload/wrap '(ring.examples.hello-world)
>>          app)
>> These are some of the features that originally motivated me to develop
>> Ring, but the complete list of functionality available to Ring apps is
>> larger and continues to grow:
>> * ring.jetty: Handler for the Jetty webserver.
>> * ring.file: Middleware that serves static files out of a public
>> directory.
>> * ring.file-info: Middleware that augments response headers with info
>> about File responses.
>> * ring.dump: Endpoint that dumps the Ring requests as HTML responses
>> for debugging.
>> * Middleware that catches exceptions and
>> displays readable backtraces for debugging.
>> * ring.reload: Middleware to automatically reload selected libs before
>> each requests, minimizing server restarts.
>> * ring.builder: Helpers for combining Ring endpoints and middleware
>> into Ring apps.
>> * ring.lint: Linter for the Ring interface, ensures compliance with
>> the Ring spec.
>> * ring.examples.*: Various example Ring apps.
>> You can find more details about Ring at its project page on GitHub,
>> including a README file for new users and a draft SPEC file that
>> documents the Ring interface:
>> I've built an open source web app on Ring: The
>> source for this simple app, available at
>> could serve as a good introduction to how apps can consume Ring
>> requests and to the use of modular Ring middleware; see in particular
>> the src/cljre/app.clj file, where most of that application is defined.
>> Also, I think I should mention how I see Ring relating to the Java
>> Servlet abstraction and to existing and new Clojure web frameworks.
>> Ring heavily leverages the Servlet API internally, as I strongly
>> believe in not reinventing wheels such as basic HTTP parsing.
>> Furthermore, I think that the interface that Ring presents to Clojure
>> web application developers by pre-processing the servlet requests is
>> dramatically more useful than that of the raw servlet. Ring uses
>> Servlets for what they are really good at - implementing HTTP - and
>> presents a simple API against which additional logic can be defined in
>> the application layer.
>> In terms of Clojure web frameworks, I think that there is a lot to be
>> gained by leveraging the Ring interface, especially from the modular
>> functionality provided by Ring middleware. I'd like in particular to
>> be able to run Compojure apps in Ring - if the users and authors of
>> Compojure are interested I'd be happy to work with them to see what we
>> can do.
>> If you've made it this far, thanks a lot for reading! I welcome any
>> comments or suggestions that you have about Ring, the draft SPEC
>> document, or the Clojure web app space in general.
>> Thanks again,
>> - Mark
>> >>

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