For more than just experimentation with one file, you might also want
to look into lib packaging so that you can 'require' or 'use' rather
than have to go down to the level of 'load' or 'load-file'. Quick
summary, if your file has namespace "" then package it in file /
foo/bar.clj (relative to your classpath) and you can then just
(require ' or (use '

See this thread for more discussion (I had this question not too long


> 2009/1/14 Onorio Catenacci <>
> > Hi all,
> > I'm new to Clojure and new to Lisp but not new to software
> > development.  And I feel very dumb for having to ask what seems like a
> > very noob question but I can't seem to figure this out.
> > If I want to load a source file into REPL it seems that I should be
> > able to do this:
> > (load-file "filename")
> > but when I try this with a source file in a folder on my Windows XP
> > box,
> > (load-file "/cljhack/test1.clj")
> > I get
> > "java.lang.Exception: Invalid token: /cljhack/test1.clj" (less the
> > quotes of course).
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