I've already posted here [1] and on the issue board [2] about
hashing.  In particular, .hashCode for seqs/colls break the Java
contract that whenever (.equals x y), (= (.hashCode x) (.hashCode
y)).  (let x = [1] and y = (seq [1])).  As I've mentioned earlier, I
hope that eventually .hashCode and .equals will be brought into line.
Anyway, I won't rehash (ha ha) this issue further here.

Anyway, I've also since realized that .equals and = are not the same
thing, in particular with respect to numbers.  So, it might be nice to
have a different hash function (i.e., Clojure's "hash"), that matches
the behavior of =, and allow the user to specify which hash function
they'd like to use when creating hash-sets and hash-maps.  (If you
know Common Lisp, this idea should be very familiar to you).   I think
I've already seen at least one instance on the group of someone being
thrown off by the fact that two numbers are Clojure = but treated as
distinct keys in hash-maps (since they are not .equals to each-
other).  Actually, I'd be happy with a single type of hashing
compatible with = rather than .equals if the idea of multiple flavors
is not popular (as I imagine it probably won't be).

And, lest you think that confusing = and .equals is just a noobie
mistake, let me point out what seems to be a bug in
PersistentHashMap.java I just found based on this same confusion.  In
particular, Objects are located in the map using Clojure's hash
function, which is equivalent to .hashCode (and 0 for nil).  But, the
equality check done on line 561 is done using Util.equal, which is
equivalent to Clojure =.  Now, suppose that x is a key in the map and
we're doing a lookup for y, where (= x y) but (not (.equals x y)).
(i.e., x is (Integer. "12") and y is (Long. "12").).  Then, the lookup
will succeed iff there is a hash collision between x and y, which is
presumably not desired behavior.  (In fact, I think this will always
happen for = Integers and Longs due to the way their hashCodes are
defined, but for, e.g., Doubles and Integers it may only happen at a
single number (if at all).)


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