As I chew on this, a couple of things don't sit right with me
regarding use cases:

1. IMHO gen-class should fail with an appropriate message/exception
rather than trying to "fix" the signature. This is what the Java
compiler would do if I made the same mistake in Java. More to the
point, an external Java class that tries to call my-method is going to
break since that method doesn't exist by that name. That breakage is
traceable no doubt, but it would be more effective to nip it in the
bud at compilation time.

2. If I want the Clojure functions that underlie the methods in the
generated class used directly by my Clojure code as well (which I do),
then I'm stuck having to either violate standard Clojure/Lisp function
naming conventions in favor of Java-friendly naming or I have to write
wrapper functions like:

(defn myMethod [obj] (my-method obj))

Other than using the prefix and keeping the method names to one
"word", is there a better way?


On Jan 16, 1:02 pm, Kevin Downey <> wrote:
> - is not a "Java letter or digit" so it is not allowed in java method names.
> user=> (Character/isJavaIdentifierPart (int \-))
> false
> user=>
> On Fri, Jan 16, 2009 at 9:56 AM, Greg Harman <> wrote:
> > I think I may have found a minor issue with gen-class, but wanted to
> > confirm with the group that I'm not just doing something stupid...
> > (gen-class :name
> >           :prefix ""
> >           :methods [[my-method [Object] Object]])
> > Results in the following method signature in the .class file:
> > public Object my_2D_method(Object obj) {
> > "-" is being written out as "_2D_"
> > -Greg
> --
> And what is good, Phaedrus,
> And what is not good—
> Need we ask anyone to tell us these things?
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