On Tue, Jan 20, 2009 at 3:54 PM, Hugh Winkler <hwink...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 20, 2009 at 3:06 PM, Stuart Halloway
> <stuart.hallo...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Hugh,
>> I don't see how this would work in general, which is why a I suggested
>> a special-purpose macro before. Surely you would not want a binding to
>> force all sequences while that binding is in effect. And if not that,
>> what would the general strategy be for deciding which sequences to
>> force, and which not?
> OK, well keeping in mind I'm still learning:
> I agree a macro would do it, approximately this:
> (defmacro safe-binding [bindings & body]
>        `(binding ~bindings (doall ~...@body)))
> but why not make "safe" the default? i.e.  use "unsafe-binding"  if
> you know it's OK.
> The doall just forces the result of the function you're calling,
> right? You said "Surely you would not want a binding to force all
> sequences while that binding is in effect." No, I would not. You only
> need to do wrap the body of the binding call in the doall, right?

Uh oh, I see what you mean Stuart. I made f1 return a list of lists:

(defn f1 []
 ( map (fn [x]
         (map (fn [y] *num*) [x])) [1]))

user> (safe-binding [*num* 1024] (f1))

OK, so much for the magic bullet.


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