
Name:       VimClojure
URL:        http://kotka.de/projects/clojure/vimclojure.html
Author:     Meikel Brandmeyer
Categories: editor, IDE
License:    MIT
A Clojure filetype plugin for Vim. It provides sophisticated
syntax highlighting, indenting and other settings to make
editing Clojure in Vim more comfortable. It provides
command completion and is easily extensible for other

Name:       Gorilla
URL:        http://kotka.de/projects/clojure/gorilla.html
Author:     Meikel Brandmeyer
Categories: editor, IDE
License:    MIT
Gorilla is a SLIME-inspired extension for Vim. It complements
VimClojure with additional features like a Repl running in Vim,
sending of expressions to a running Clojure server, docstring
lookup, macro expansion, completion of static class members,...
It depends on VimClojure.

Name:       CljTags
URL:        http://bitbucket.org/kotarak/cljtags
Author:     Meikel Brandmeyer
Categories: editor, IDE
License:    MIT
A simple program to generate tags for use with Vim.

Name:       Monad
URL:        http://bitbucket.org/kotarak/monad
Author:     Meikel Brandmeyer
Categories: development
License:    MIT
A monad library using multimethods to implement Haskell-style

Name:       ClojureCheck
URL:        http://kotka.de/projects/clojure/clojurecheck.html
Author:     Meikel Brandmeyer
Categories: testing
License:    MIT
An implementation of the Test Anything Protocol. TAP is widely
used in the Perl community and greatly helps to separate the
testing itself from the result reporting. ClojureCheck also
contains a port of Haskell's QuickCheck. Depends on Monad.

Name:       Parser
URL:        http://kotka.de/projects/clojure/parser.html
Author:     Meikel Brandmeyer
Categories: parsing
License:    MIT
An implementation of Haskell's Parsec for Clojure. It provides
a library to create parser combinators in Clojure. Depnds on

Name:       LazyMap
URL:        http://kotka.de/projects/clojure/lazy-map.html
Author:     Meikel Brandmeyer
Categories: development
License:    MIT
LazyMap complements the lazy-cons and lazy-cat macros by
providing similar macros for maps. It turns any map type of
Clojure into a lazy map, whose values are not evaluated until
accessed. The resulting map can be freely used, also with the
seq library functions, without loosing lazyness.

Name:       ClojureQL
URL:        http://github.com/Lau-of-DK/clojureql/tree/master
Author:     Lau B. Jensen, Meikel Brandmeyer
Categories: db
License:    EPL
ClojureQL let's you handle SQL statements as first class objects.
They can be modified, combined to composite queries, bundled in
batches... The specifics of the underlying DB enginge are hidden
as much as possible.

Thanks for putting up such a list, Rich. It's awesome to see
the community grow. And this list will be a clear indicator!


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