Try :user instead of :username

On Sun, Feb 8, 2009 at 4:04 PM, Mark Volkmann <>wrote:

> I'm trying to use the sql contrib library to connect to a Postgres
> database. It's not clear to me how to specify a username and password.
> Here's what I'm trying.
> (use 'clojure.contrib.sql)
> (let [db-host "localhost"
>      db-name "ct"
>      db-port 5432
>      subname (str "//" db-host ":" db-port "/" db-name)]
>  (println "subname =" subname)
>  (def db {:classname "org.postgresql.Driver" ; must be in classpath
>           :subprotocol "postgresql"
>           :subname subname
>           :username "mvolkmann"
>           :password ""})
>  (with-connection db
>    (with-query-results rs ["select * from ElementType"]
>      (println rs))))
> The error I get is "org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: FATAL: no
> PostgreSQL user name specified in startup packet". I think the problem
> is that the username and password values in db aren't used by
> with-connection unless a DataSource object is specified. However, it
> doesn't seem like I should have to create one of those just to connect
> to a relational database. Any idea what I'm doing wrong?
> --
> R. Mark Volkmann
> Object Computing, Inc.
> >

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