Is your Clojure app running in a REPL?  I've run into situations where
it seems like the Derby lock file doesn't go away until the Clojure
process terminates.

-Stuart Sierra

On Feb 17, 10:28 am, BrianS <> wrote:
> Has anyone had experience creating clojure applications that use the
> embedded derby database driver? I am having an issue where I am unable
> to get the derby embedded database to shut down properly from within
> clojure.
> More specifically, whenever a java app accesses a derby embedded
> database, it creates a lock file to prevent other apps from accessing
> the db and corrupting it. This file should be removed in a proper
> shutdown of a derby database, but so far, even though I appear to have
> gotten the derby database engine to shutdown from within clojure with
> (java.sql.DriverManager/getConnection "jdbc:derby:;shutdown=true"),
> the lock file still remains, and no app can access the derby database
> until the db.lck file is deleted manually.
> I assumed this file would be deleted automagically during database
> shutdown, but is this actually something my app should do manually
> after shutting down its derby database? Thanks in advance for any
> assistance, I appreciate that this is only marginally a clojure issue.
> Brian
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