2009/2/25 Achim Passen <achim.pas...@gmail.com>

> Hi!Am 25.02.2009 um 23:14 schrieb Stephen C. Gilardi:
> (If this flies, at some point it would be good to add "contrib" to the
> svn-ignore list for Clojure's top level directory so it wouldn't even show
> up as an untracked node.)
> Another way to do this is to add contrib as an svn external:
> http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.0/ch07s03.html
> Set up like this, an "svn update" in the root directory would update both
> projects.

Again, please, nothing like that.
An external is a way to set a dependency from the project that uses the
external to the project the external refers to.

I think clojure (core) should not depend on clojure-contrib. If so, then
they really should be the same project.

Externals should be used with care, e.g. you have to consider if you want to
depend on the current head of the other project, or on a particular
If you use the "always depend on the most recent (head) revision of the
other project", when you make a "tag" (either explicitly by copying in a new
directory in the tags directory, either implicitly by giving others a rev
number), you will have to remember to first "freeze" the external to a
particular revision before committing your "tag" revision (and you will then
just commit another revision just after that to re-enable the external to
point at the head of the other project).

So it is error prone, and, in the case of clojure having an external on
clojure-contrib, I think it would be the opposite of the dependency graph.

Turned in the other side, if you want to be consistent concerning
clojure-contrib development, you could use an external in the
clojure-contrib project, pointing at a particular revision of clojure.
But really, this would be interesting in maintenance mode, but not really
now. And it is complex and error prone.

My 0,02€ again,


> Kind regards,
> achim
> >

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