
I'm using linux (Ubuntu) and none of the above scripts worked for me.
I added the ${DP}/bin directory to the classpath list to get it to

java -cp ~/src/clojure/clojure.jar:${DP}/clj:${DP}/java -
waterfront/ide/plugins clojure.main ${DP}/clj/net/sourceforge/
waterfront/ide/main.clj $*

P.S. - The text editor you are using for the shell script is encoding
DOS style newlines and doesn't work on linux.  I copied the text to a
new file to get around it.


On Feb 25, 4:32 am, Itay Maman <itay.ma...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Feb 25, 11:08 am, bOR_ <boris.sch...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I'm trying to rewrite the wf.bat to a linux version, but I was a bit
> > puzzled what all the ;%~dp0 's mean.
> In .bat files %~dp0 specifies the directory where the .bat file is
> located.
> In sh scripts, it should be `dirname $0`.
> >Apparently the bash version of it
> > is ${0%/*}
> > java -cp ~/src/clojure/clojure.jar;${0%/*}clj;${0%/*}java -
> > Dnet.sourceforge.waterfront.plugins=${0%/*}clj/net/sourceforge/
> > waterfront/ide/plugins clojure.main ${0%/*}clj/net/sourceforge/
> > waterfront/ide/main.clj %*
> > It seems like you're also assuming 'clj' to exist?
> clj and java are the subdirectories in the Waterfront installation
> directory. So if the zip was unzipped
> successfully, it is safe to assume they exist.
> I don't have a Linux machine. Could you send me this script (one it is
> up and running)
> so that I will put it inside the .zip file?
> Thanks,
> -Itay
> > On Feb 25, 2:57 am, Kevin Albrecht <onlya...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > Itay,
> > > I took a look at Waterfront and it seems to have a lot of potential.
> > > Keep me and the group updated on your future work.
> > > I have also been working on a GUI application in Clojure and I share
> > > your perspective on the challenges of designing a functional GUI.  I
> > > am definitely intrigued by the application context pattern and I am
> > > going to take a look at it for incorporation in my design.
> > > Thanks,
> > > Kevin Albrecht
> > > On Feb 24, 6:04 am, Itay Maman <itay.ma...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > > I've been silently following Clojure (and this group) for several
> > > > months now.Somewhere around December I started working on a Clojure
> > > > editor/REPL written in Clojure. This effort evolved into the
> > > > Waterfront project which is now available on sourceforge (http://
> > > > sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=249246).
> > > > Waterfront's Highlights:
> > > > * CTRL+E: Eval current selection, or the whole file if the selection
> > > > is empty
> > > > * Edit -> Eval as you type: When turned on (default) periodically
> > > > evaluates your code. Boosts productivity as many errors are detected
> > > > on the spot.
> > > > * Eval-ed code can inspect/mutate Waterfront by accessing the *app*
> > > > variable. For instance, if you eval this expression,
> > > > ((*app* :change) :font-name "Arial"), you will choose "Arial" as the
> > > > UI font.
> > > > * Eval-ed code can inspect the currently edited Clojure program. For
> > > > instance, if you eval this expression, ((*app* :visit) #(when (= (str
> > > > (first %1)) "cons") (println %1))), the output window will show all
> > > > calls, made by your code, to the cons function.
> > > > * Syntax and Evaluation errors are displayed on: (1) The Problems
> > > > window; (2) The line-number panel, as red markers.
> > > > * Source -> Generate -> Proxy: Generates a proxy for the given list of
> > > > super-types, with stub implementations for all abstract methods.
> > > > * F1: Shows the doc (as per Clojure's (doc x) function) of the
> > > > identifier under the caret.
> > > > * Source -> Reflect: Shows the synopsis of a Java class when the caret
> > > > stands on a class symbol (e.g.: java.awt.Color).
> > > > * CTRL+Space: Token-based auto completion.
> > > > * Full parenthesis matching.
> > > > * An extensible plugin architecture.
> > > > * Other goodies such as undo/redo, toggle comment, recently opened
> > > > files, indent/unindent, Tab is *always* two spaces, ...
> > > > In order to get started, you need to
> > > >   (1) Download the waterfront zip file 
> > > > from:http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=249246.
> > > >   (2) Unpack it into a local directory.
> > > >   (3) Edit wf.bat: fix the path to clojure.jar according to its
> > > > location on your machine.
> > > > Personally, this effort was quite interesting. Writing GUI
> > > > applications in a functional language is sometimes a challenging task
> > > > (at least if you want your Clojure code not to be a transliteration of
> > > > Java code…).  I used a pattern the "application context" pattern: an
> > > > immutable map describing the application's current state that is
> > > > passed around. This made it possible for most of Waterfront's code to
> > > > be purely functional. Consequently, plugins can accomplish a lot with
> > > > just a handful of lines. Many plugins span about 60 lines of code.
> > > > Vast majority of them are less than 200 LOC. The main module, ui.clj,
> > > > that implements the underlying engine is also less than 200 LOC. I
> > > > think this is a very good indication to Clojure's power.
> > > > Hope you'll find it useful. I'd be happy if anyone would like to join
> > > > and contribute to Waterfront. Your feedback, either on-line or
> > > > offline, will be highly appreciated.
> > > > --
> > > > Itay Mamanhttp://javadots.blogspot.com

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