Thanks for the insight, Konrad. I know this is a sideshow to the larger 
discussion on types, but it does present an unexpected usability issue.

On 26 February 2009 at 02:44, Konrad Hinsen wrote:

> The fix is to provide a default implementation for print-method. Try  
> executing this:
> (defmethod print-method :default [o w] (print-method "failed" w))

This prevents the stack overflow. But I'd prefer a more forgiving default print 

> There should be a default in clojure.core, but I am not 
> sure what it should best be. Should it print the object stripped of  
> its metadata?

I vote for this. A default that re-dispatches on class (as you suggested, 
stripping the :type metadata), falls back to the previous print behavior.

(defmethod print-method :default [o, #^ w]
  (if (:type (meta o))
        (print-method (with-meta o (dissoc (meta o) :type)) w)
          (.write w "#<")
          (.write w (.getSimpleName (class o)))
          (.write w " ")
          (.write w (str o))
          (.write w ">"))))

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