First of all, make sure you use the latest versions of slime, clojure,
swank-clojre and clojure-mode. It works fine for me on both linux and

get latest slime here -
get latest swank-clojure (your version seems to be outdated) here -
get lates clojure-mode here -

I hope you know where to get the latest clojure :)

On Sun, Mar 8, 2009 at 5:18 AM, youngblood.carl

> Howdy all,
> I'm brand new to this scene (where scene means lisp, closure, linux,
> and emacs), so apologies if this has been addressed. My goal is to
> make sure I'm up to date before moving forward.
> I set up my emacs/slime development environment like various tutorials
> suggested, except I received the following errors:
> ---- *inferior-lisp* ----
> (require 'swank.swank)
> (swank.swank/ignore-protocol-version "2009-03-07")
> (swank.swank/start-server "/tmp/slime.30640" :encoding "iso-latin-1-
> unix")
> Clojure
> user=> nil
> user=> java.lang.Exception: Unable to resolve symbol: lazy-seq in this
> context (core.clj:70)
> user=> java.lang.Exception: No such var: swank.swank/ignore-protocol-
> version (NO_SOURCE_FILE:5)
> user=> java.lang.Exception: No such var: swank.swank/start-server
> ---- ----
> I found another post mentioning that a change had been made to clojure
> which was not backwards compatible with slime. Looking at the clojure
> api and the above error, it was pretty clear that the culprit is the
> fun lazy-seq no longer exists.
> I replaced the following code based on what was available in the
> current clojure api, and what the old code seemed to be doing:
> ---- core.clj ----
> (defn exception-causes [#^Throwable t]
>  (lazy-seq
>    (cons t (when-let [cause (.getCause t)]
>              (exception-causes cause)))))
>  => replaced with =>
> (defn exception-causes [#^Throwable t]
>  (lazy-cons t (when-let [cause (.getCause t)]
>                 (exception-causes cause))))
> ---- ----
> Now my slime process starts without errors and successfully connects
> to the swank server, which no longer bombs from trying to use lazy-
> seq.
> My concern is my fix above is just coding by coincidence; I don't
> really understand what is happening beyond the list comprehension and
> I'm worried that I'm missing something important because it seems like
> that change would have been made already in swank-clojure if it was
> that simple.
> On the other hand, if it is a valid fix, if anyone else is having this
> problem I hope this helps.
> Thanks,
> Carl
> >

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