
Am 14.03.2009 um 15:10 schrieb Albert Cardona:

I have called :split so there are two buffers visible.
Then I shift+V and y to copy a line.
Then I control+w j to go to the upper window.
Then I p, and a new line pastes, not what I copied.
To paste, I have to "0p, i.e. paste the last user-yanked data.

This was reported now several times and I cannot reproduce
it here. Can you send me failing setup?

And yet another unexpected behaviour: when switching windows
with control+w j or k,  the current buffer is resized by one line,
and the other shrinked by one line as well, of course. Why?

Again, this works for me. Please try to get a failing setup,
so that I can reproduce the problem.


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