Since this is a thread on VimClojure. First of all to say I am looking 
forward to vimclojure working perfectly. Here are some problems I don't 

If I open a .clj file without the ng server running, it complains loudly 
and does not switch on syntax highlighting for clojure. Why no syntax on?

So I launch the ng.

The ng server is running happily, and on launching it reported:

   NGServer started on, port 2113.

Then I acess a .clj file. It 'works' fine, but I can't execute anything. 
Here's a snipped of a file test/patch.clj, opened from vim as "vim 
test/patch.clj", plus the overlayed error mesage triggered on pushing 
\ef to execute the whole file:

(ns test.patch
  (:import (ij.gui OvalRoi Roi ShapeRoi)
           (ij IJ ImagePlus)
           (ij.process ByteProcessor)
           (ini.trakem2.display Display Patch Selection)
           (mpicbg.trakem2.transform MovingLeastSquaresTransform)))

(defn punch-alpha-hole
  "Create an alpha hole right in the middle of an image."
  (let [ip (.getImageProcessor patch)
Error detected while processing function 
line   23:
E605: Exception not caught: Couldn't execute Nail! ng 
Repl '-r' '-n' 'test.patch' '-f' 'test/patch.clj' </tmp/v953483/5

The error points to line 23, which is the first let binding here:

(defn punch-alpha-hole
  "Create an alpha hole right in the middle of an image."
  (let [ip (.getImageProcessor patch)

The above (complete) function runs just fine, if I run it by means other 
than vimclojure.

What is vimclojure expecting? The classpath of the ng is correct and 
contains all necessary jar files. I cannot see what is wrong.

I would appreciate help in understanding what the error means. Thanks.


Albert Cardona

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