Here's a quickly hacked together solution (code golf welcome), I'm using
special variables so that we don't affect what other multimethods see:
(def *super* nil)

(defmacro super [afn obj & args]
  (let [fn-key (keyword (str afn))]
  `(binding [*super* {~fn-key (or (and (~fn-key *super*)
       (first (parents (~fn-key *super*))))
  (first (parents (type ~obj))))}]
     ~(if args
`(apply ~afn [~obj ~...@args])
`(apply ~afn [~obj])))))

(defn dispatch-for [fn-sym]
  (let [fn-key (keyword (str fn-sym))]
    (fn [x]
      (if-let [super-type (fn-key *super*)]
(type x)))))

(defmulti fnA (dispatch-for 'fnA))
(defmethod fnA ::typeA
  (println "Calling fnA, the type of x is" (type x))
  (fnB x))

(defmethod fnA ::typeB
  (println "Calling super")
  (super fnA x))

(defmulti fnB type)
(defmethod fnB ::typeA
  (println "Calling fnB the type of x is" (type x)))

(derive ::typeB ::typeA)
(fnA (with-meta {} {:type ::typeA}))
(fnA (with-meta {} {:type ::typeB}))

---------------> Output
Calling fnA, the type of x is :user/typeA
Calling fnB the type of x is :user/typeA
Called super
Calling fnA, the type of x is :user/typeB
Calling fnB the type of x is :user/typeB


On Tue, Mar 24, 2009 at 2:41 PM, CuppoJava <>wrote:

> *bump*
> Just letting people know that this is still an important and
> unresolved issue for me.
> Calling super multi-methods?
> >

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