I might be wrong,

but shouldn't you compile the .c file to .o with "-fpic", and then
link with ld with "-shared"?

maybe just adding "-fpic" to:

gcc -fpic -shared ${JNI_CFLAGS} swig_test_wrap.c -o libswig_test.so

might do it.

On Apr 22, 6:41 am, "Antonio, Fabio Di Narzo"
<antonio.fa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all.
> I'm having problems with using swig-generated wrappers with Clojure.
> I'm running ubuntu-8.04-i386, gcc-4.2.4, swig-1.3.33, openjdk-1.6.0,
> latest clojure release.
> I've cut down a minimal reproducible example.
> The swig file:
> ---file:swig_test.i---
> %module swig_test
> %{
> int swig_test_whatever() {
>   return 3;}
> %}
> int swig_test_whatever();
> ---cut---
> Compile with:
> ---cut---
> mkdir swig_test
> swig -java -package swig_test -outdir swig_test swig_test.i
> javac swig_test/*.java
> export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk
> export JNI_CFLAGS="-I${JAVA_HOME}/include -I${JAVA_HOME}/include/
> linux"
> gcc -shared ${JNI_CFLAGS} swig_test_wrap.c -o libswig_test.so
> ---cut---
> The swig-generated java itfc file is:
> ---file:swig_test/swig_test.java---
> package swig_test;
> public class swig_test {
>   public static int swig_test_whatever() {
>     return swig_testJNI.swig_test_whatever();
>   }}
> ---cut---
> The clojure code:
> ---cut---
> (import '(swig_test swig_test))
> (System/load
>  (.concat (System/getProperty "user.dir") "/libswig_test.so"))
> (swig_test/swig_test_whatever)
> ---cut---
> I get:
> java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError:
> swig_test.swig_testJNI.swig_test_whatever()I (NO_SOURCE_FILE:0)
> I can use "manually written" JNI wrappers with clojure and, vice-
> versa, swig-generated wrappers with plain java code. What I'm missing
> here? Anybody can help?
> Bests,
> Antonio, Fabio Di Narzo.
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