Hi Adrian,

Am 29.04.2009 um 07:00 schrieb Adrian Cuthbertson:

In the absence of an issue tracker at this time, could I mention the
following relating to indenting;

(defn xxx
 "Some stuff...

(defmacro xxx
 "Some stuff...

(defroutes xxx
                "Some stuf...

This can be configured using the lispwords option of Vim.
Do a ":setlocal lispwords+=defroutes" and you should get the
desired behaviour.

This is a built-in functionality. Since I come from Scheme, I knew
this option. However this question arose several times now, so
I guess that people coming eg. from Java don't know this Vim
option. So my "cultural assumption" that "Lisp hackers know this"
is maybe true, but not really applicable here. I will extend the

Thanks Meikel, great work!

Thanks for the feedback! :)


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