Hello everybody,

As many of you know, I have been working on a "contrib autodoc robot"
for the last little while.

It is now up and running and you can use the results here:


It includes:
 * An overview of each namespace in contrib (including the author and
shortcut links to documentation for each of the functions).
 * An API page for each name space that includes the doc string for
each function or variable in the namespace and a direct link to the
source for that function or variable.
* An index of all the documented functions and variables so that you
can find them by name.
* A JSON file that allows other tools to build off this information
(at http://clojure-contrib.googlecode.com/svn/wiki/ApiDocIndex.json -
still very much under development).

Each page has a sidebar to allow for quick access from place to place.

All the pages are stored in the wiki on the google code home for
clojure-contrib. This is both a blessing and a curse, since the google
code wiki is a little brain-dead. As a result, the formatting is not
as awesome as I would like.

The goal of this project is to make contrib a more open and accessible
resource for the community. Please take advantage of this to see and
understand the great stuff that folks have added to contrib for your
programming pleasure. I will be making sure it is kept up-to-date
(eventually that will be automated, but for now I have to type "ant"
once in a while).

To contrib authors: I have added metadata to your namespaces. Please
update and correct it as you would like. The updates will be
propagated to the site. Also, please review the doc for your
contributions to make sure it is complete and correct in general. Let
me know if anything doesn't seem to be going through the wringer

Happy perusing!


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