Glad to hear everyone likes it.

Here's my responses to the various comments here:

Chris: Rich added a link on the landing page while I was writing this
note. Thanks, Rich!

Mark: I hoping that the visibility of this page will spur the
contributors (myself included!) to ever higher levels of
documentation. Don't hide your light under a bushel, guys!

e: Hmm, I think comments should work fine even though I'm regenerating
the pages (I haven't tested it). However the google group might be a
better place for questions because people watch it pretty closely. I
would think that the wiki pages would be better for various
elucidations of subtleties of the interface. YMMV, of course.

Antony: There is a way for authors to add links either to other pages
in the wiki or externally. See DataLog and Monad for examples of how
this works. One of the issues here is that doc strings are repurposed
in a lot of ways and authors generally only want to write docs once so
we need  to keep the formatting very simple and not assume that folks
will be reading the docs on the wiki.

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