This is some sort of repost from yesterday.  But I hope that this one  
describes my problem more precisely.
I have n threads that produce something. At some point in time a  
consumer starts and if the consumer starts, no more data should be  
produced.  Right now I can only come up with the following solution  
which I personally don't find very elegant.


(def data (ref '()))

(def test-agent (agent '()))

(def processing-started (atom false))

(defn producer []
                (doseq [i (take 1000 (repeat 1))]
                        (await test-agent)
                                (if (= @processing-started false)
                                                (alter data conj i))))))
(defn IsTrue [d] true)
(defn setme [agent]
        (loop []
                (let[x1 (count @data)]
                        (. Thread (sleep 1500))
                        (let [x2 (count @data)]
                                (if (not= x1 x2)
                                                (swap! processing-started 
                                                (println "doesn't change 
                                                (println (count @data))
                                                (. Thread (sleep 1500))
                                                (println (count @data))         
                                        (ref-set data '())))))))

(defn consumer []
        (. Thread (sleep 350))
        (send-off test-agent setme))
(dorun (apply pcalls (conj (take 200 (repeat producer)) consumer)))


(println @data)

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