> I want to write a simple socket server in Clojure. I want to perform
> some action when a client disconnects.
The following code works for me. read-input returns nil if the socket  
is closed (the client disconnects)


(defn read-input []
        (loop [result [] input (read-line)]
                (if input
                        (if (= (first input) \#)
                                (recur (conj result input) (read-line))

(defn handle-client [in out]
        (binding [
                *in* (reader in)
                (with-connection db
                        (let [outstream (writer out)]
                                (loop []
                                        (let [xml (read-input)]
                                                (if xml
(parse outstream (makestr xml)))

(def server (create-server *port* handle-client))

Am 01.10.2009 um 20:39 schrieb ngocdaothanh:

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