Roger, your code is not event based.

I'm new to Clojure and as a small exercise I just want to create a
simple chat server for telnet clients, any usable socket library is
* Chat messages are broadcast to all clients
* When a client disconnect, all others will receive "A client has
disconnected" message

Below is my code up to the moment. The problem is because there seems
to be no disconnect event in server-socket, when a client disconnect
the clients ref is inconsistent.

(import '[ BufferedReader InputStreamReader
(use 'clojure.contrib.server-socket)

(def clients (ref []))

(defn on-input [input]
  (println input)
      (fn [out]
        (binding [*out* (OutputStreamWriter. out)]
          (println input)

(defn echo [in out]
  (dosync (alter clients conj out))

  (binding [*in* (BufferedReader. (InputStreamReader. in))]
    (loop []
      (let [input (read-line)]
        (on-input input))

(.start (new Thread (fn [] (create-server 8080 echo))))

On Oct 2, 4:05 am, Roger Gilliar <> wrote:
> > I want to write a simple socket server in Clojure. I want to perform
> > some action when a client disconnects.
> -------------------------------------------
> The following code works for me. read-input returns nil if the socket  
> is closed (the client disconnects)
> Regards
>    Roger
> (defn read-input []
>         (loop [result [] input (read-line)]
>                 (if input
>                         (if (= (first input) \#)
>                  result
>                                 (recur (conj result input) (read-line))
>                         )
>                         nil)))
> (defn handle-client [in out]
>         (binding [
>                 *in* (reader in)
>                 ]
>                 (with-connection db
>                         (let [outstream (writer out)]
>                                 (loop []
>                                         (let [xml (read-input)]
>                                                 (if xml
>                                                         (do
>                                                                 (send-answers 
> (parse outstream (makestr xml)))
>                                                                 (recur))
>                                                         (info 
> "disconnected"))))))))
> (def server (create-server *port* handle-client))
> Am 01.10.2009 um 20:39 schrieb ngocdaothanh:
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