Is there a reason you don't want to use doto?

ie (doto Bla (.setProperty "x" 1))

2009/10/28 Tiago Antão <>:
> Hi,
> Sorry for the newbie question, but I am trying to understand how to
> construct and call java dynamically from clojure.
> As an example, imagine that there is a bean property called "Bla" and
> one wants to set Bla to 1 on object x, which has that property.
> So, the objective would be to construct, the following java equivalent
> x.setBla(1);
> I defined a macro called setProperty like this:
> (setProperty "Bla" x 1)
> And the definition is (very wrong):
> (defmacro setProperty [field obj value]
>  `(let [cct# (symbol (.concat ".set" ~field))]
>    (cct# ~obj ~value)
>  )
> )
> If I do
> (println (setProperty "Bla" x 1))
> I get 1 (the setBla is a void, so I should not get 1).
> bla is never set to 1, by the way :(
> Note that I am not trying to sort the particular case of beans. I am
> trying to understand the general mechanism to construct symbols (java
> interop) and execute them with a set of parameters over a java object.
> Thanks a lot and sorry for the newbie question,
> T
> --
> "The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who, in times of
> moral crisis, maintain a neutrality." - Dante
> >

Omnem crede diem tibi diluxisse supremum.

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