I'm not quite sure what you're seeing.  You might want to use the time
macro to help.

Here's what I was able to do:

user=> (time ((fn [] (let [f (future (#(do (Thread/sleep 5000) %) 5))
g 7] (+ g @f)))))
"Elapsed time: 4975.917889 msecs"


On Nov 25, 12:04 am, Hong Jiang <h...@hjiang.net> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm new to Clojure and playing with small programs. Today I wrote a
> snippet to figure out how future works:
> (defn testf []
>   (let [f (future #(do
>                      (Thread/sleep 5000)
>                      %)
>                   5)
>         g 7]
>     (+ g @f)))
> (println (testf))
> I'm expecting the program to sleep 5 seconds and then print 12 and
> immediately terminate. However, the program seems to print out 12
> immediately, and it takes a long time (more like 50 seconds instead of
> 5) to terminate. Am I missing something?
> Thanks.
> --Hong

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