On Thu, Nov 26, 2009 at 8:05 AM, Robert Campbell <rrc...@gmail.com> wrote:

> If you have this:
> user> (def f (future (Thread/sleep 20000) :done))
> #'user/f
> user> @f  ; this immediate deref blocks for 20 sec, finally returning
> :block
> :done
> user> @f  ; returns immediately
> :done
> What is actually happening when you call the first @f? You are waiting
> for the function to finish executing and return a value? Or are you
> waiting for a return value to appear in the ref slot?
> Is there any way to check if there is a value ready or if the function
> has returned w/out blocking?


user=> (def f (future (Thread/sleep 20000) :done))
user=> (future-done? f)
user=> @f
user=> (future-done? f)


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