
Taking minor liberties with your code (for clarity), the following
gives pretty much the same result as your handle-xml function:

(ns blah
  (:require [clojure.xml :as xml]
            [clojure.zip :as zip])
  (:use clojure.contrib.zip-filter.xml))

(defn my-test []
  (doseq [x (xml-> (zip/xml-zip (xml/parse "/my-path-to/GANGLIA.xml"))
                   :CLUSTER :HOST :METRIC
                   (fn [loc]
                     [[(xml1-> (zip/up loc) (attr :NAME))
                       (xml1-> loc          (attr :NAME))
                       (xml1-> loc          (attr :VAL))
                       (xml1-> loc          (attr :TN))]]))]
    (apply println x)))

The call to zip/xml-zip creates a zipper object, a simple trick to
travel around xml.

Each argument to xml-> (after the first) drills down the tree. The
last argument, once I've drilled down to the :METRIC node, collects
the attributes you're interested in.

The sourcecode has handy examples to play along with. For your

Note: If you print the zipper object, its representation will be
pretty, pretty big. If that's a problem, remember to call zip/node at
the end, as per the examples. Or do the crazy thing I do, which is to
customize print-method (specifying each zipper object's :type
metadata), so it'll have a tiny representation like:
#<ganglia gmond>

Hope that makes sense,

On Dec 2, 4:51 pm, Dennis <shr3ks...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Howdy,
> Being new to clojure, I am having a difficult time parsing XML in an elegant
> manner.  I am pulling metric information from a ganglia server as XML and
> then parsing it.  The below function works but it makes me feel icky.  I was
> hoping for some tips.
> The "dc" variable contains a map with some data center information (not
> really interesting), and the "stream" variable comes from http.agent.
> (defn handle-xml [dc stream]
>   (let [xml-out (xml-seq (parse (http/stream stream)))]
>     (doseq [x xml-out]
>       (doseq [y (:content x)]
> (doseq [z (:content y)]
>   (doseq [a (:content z)]
>     (println (:dc dc) (:NAME (:attrs z)) (:NAME (:attrs a)) (:VAL (:attrs
> a)) (:TN (:attrs a)))))))))
> The XML is of the form:
> ganglia
>   multiple clusters
>     multiple hosts
>       multiple metrics
> Example of the XML:
> <GANGLIA_XML VERSION="3.0.7" SOURCE="gmond">
> <CLUSTER NAME="cluster.example.com" LOCALTIME="1258396022"
> OWNER="unspecified" LATLONG="unspecified" URL="unspecified">
> <HOST NAME="server.example.com" IP="" REPORTED="1258396019" TN="3"
> TMAX="20" DMAX="86400" LOCATION="unspe
> cified" GMOND_STARTED="1255757736">
> <METRIC NAME="disk_total" VAL="1320.124" TYPE="double" UNITS="GB" TN="6684"
> TMAX="1200" DMAX="0" SLOPE="both" SOURCE="gmond"/>
> <METRIC NAME="cpu_speed" VAL="2493" TYPE="uint32" UNITS="MHz" TN="682"
> TMAX="1200" DMAX="0" SLOPE="zero" SOURCE="gmond"/>
> ...
> Thanks,
> Dennis

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