Thanks, I think I have the idea.

(ns ziptest
  (:require [ :as zip]
    [clojure.xml :as xml]
            [ :as zf])
  (:import ( ByteArrayInputStream)))

(def *xml-string*

(defn string-to-zip [s]
  (zip/xml-zip (xml/parse (ByteArrayInputStream. (.getBytes s)))))

(defn parse-xml [string]
  (doseq [x (xml-> (string-to-zip string) zf/descendants :c1)]
    (println "---> " (:content (first x)))))

(parse-xml *xml-string*)

[dr...@drowe][h:10013][J:0]> ./clojure src/ziptest.clj
--->  [a1b1c1]
--->  [a1b2c1]

On Wed, Dec 2, 2009 at 11:38 AM, pmf <> wrote:

> On Dec 2, 4:51 pm, Dennis <> wrote:
> > The XML is of the form:
> > ganglia
> >   multiple clusters
> >     multiple hosts
> >       multiple metrics
> Use XPath. Seriously, I hate XML and XSLT, but XPath is simply the
> most concise way to extract things from a nested structure. Most XPath-
> libraries allow for precompilation of XPath-expressions (similar to
> RegEx-precompilation) and don't require the whole XML-file to reside
> in memory, which makes this a nice solution for huge XML-files (though
> in your case this is probably no issue).
> To get a list of all metrics in all hosts in all clusters, you'd
> simply use the XPath-expression "ganglia/cluster/host/metric" against
> an XML-document; recursive fetching (if clusters could contain other
> clusters) could be done by using a double slash instead of a single
> slash.
> A Clojure-solution for a similar expression language would be
>, though I did not use it, but you might
> try it out.
> --
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