
> the thought that the key developer might just stop working on it doesn't 
> exactly
> give me a warm fuzzy feeling.

Look at the last paragraph of Rich's message.  He has every intention
to keep working on it.  Surely he will speak for himself, but my
impression is that he wants to be able to work on this full-time as
opposed to part-time.  I don't see any direct threats to abandon it.

Larry Wall's project was not without risk of dying either.  He could
have lost his job and had to go to work for a less enlightened
employer.  In some ways, it is easier for you to evaluate the Clojure
community than it is to evaluate the likely continuance of other
circumstances in the founder's life.  And a strong community may be
better able to ride out a bubble bursting than a company.

The sort of funding activities you are talking about would work, but
they would inevitably take time away from core Clojure development.
Is it worth being "dunned" for money to allow development to proceed
that much faster?  To me (and apparently plenty of other people), it
is most definitely worth it.  I'm not the first person to say this,
and I won't be the last, but Clojure has been a dream come true.  As
great as it is now, I look forward to everything that Rich wants to
add----Clojure in Clojure, declarative logic.....  I want him to be
able to focus on these new things full time.  I want him to work for
the community, rather than for whoever he consults for, or whoever he
lectures to.  (The community has been great----if the number of dumb
questions of mine that have been cheerfully answered is any
indication....)  He has created something that has been of great value
to me personally and in my work.  I feel I owe him.

If you are not sure what Clojure is worth to you yet, then you don't
owe him anything.  And if you believe that there should be no need to
pay people whose open-source work you have found useful, you don't owe
him anything either.

There may be a version of the open-source ethos that disdains making
money directly from coding.  This ethos would claim that the way to
repay people is in code, not in money.  I think this attitude ends up
being exclusionary.  The vast majority of people cannot or do not
contribute useful code.  But they have just as much of a need for good
software as programmers do, if not more, and yet their interests are
not always well-served by open-source software.  When your
remuneration comes not from your core activity, but from various side
activities, or when open-source coding itself is a side activity, you
are bound to be distracted.  When your only currency and standing
comes from other programmers,, things that non-programmers need
especially----important but uninteresting things like documentation,
interface polish and ease of setup----tend to get neglected in the

Not surprisingly, the open source movement has created a great deal of
powerful software, but it has had mixed success creating software that
the vast majority of people can use.

If we want open-source software to live up to its full potential, we
will have to abandon exclusionary attitudes, and most importantly
think creatively about how to give people like Rich Hickey a living.
I wish he did not have to ask for donations, but that's a lot better
than him wasting his time.

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