For that matter, I could do this:

(defmacro andp
  ([] true)
  ([x p] `(~p ~x))
  ([x p & next]
     `(let [and# (~p ~x)]
        (if and# (andp ~x ~...@next) and#))))

On Jul 23, 5:33 pm, ataggart <> wrote:
> Not that preserves the short-circuiting behavior of 'and.  This works
> though:
> (defmacro andf [& fns]
>   (let [x# (gensym)]
>     `(fn [~x#] (and ~@(map #(list % x#) fns)))))
> user=> (filter (andf integer? odd?) [1 2 3.1])
> (1)
> On Jul 23, 2:27 pm, ".Bill Smith" <> wrote:
> > I want to filter a list based on the logical AND of a set of
> > predicates.  For example, let's say I have single-argument functions
> > f, g, and h (without side-effects), and I want those items x in the
> > list such that (f x), (g x) and (h x) are all true.  I know I can do
> > this:
> > (filter #(and (f %) (g %) (h %)) my-list)
> > Is there a more terse way to express the same thing?  I suspect there
> > is a mechanism similar to (or perhaps a generalization of) composition
> > for that, but I couldn't find it in the API docs.
> > Bill Smith
> > Austin, TX

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