On Tue, Sep 7, 2010 at 1:25 AM, Mark Engelberg <mark.engelb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Docstrings seem designed for fairly terse comments about the nature of
> the function.  It's great for providing little hints about how the
> function works to jog one's memory by typing (doc ...) in the REPL, or
> for searching with find-doc.

I think this is true of function-level docstrings. However, don't
forget that namespaces can have docstrings as well. That's where I
like to put overview-type documentation.

> Javadoc has an interesting property: it considers that the first
> sentence serves as a summary for the doc. The "sentence" delimiter is
> just the point in the case of javadoc.

Emacs docstrings work this way too; the first line must stand alone
and provide a summary. I think this would be a great convention to
adapt for Clojure, but that cat may already be out of the bag.


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