It appears I've forgotten to include some essential information to this announcement! ;-)
git repo: leiningen: [clj-help "0.2.0"] On Dec 15, 6:23 pm, Nicolas Buduroi <> wrote: > Hi, I've been using this small project to get some help while working > at the REPL. It's a macro that regroups into one command a set of > useful functions from contrib libraries while auto-quoting it's > arguments. It's quite simple to use, after loading it "(use 'clj- > help)", you only have to type "(help)" to print it's usage: > > Usage: (help <query> ...) > macro - Pretty prints the macro expansion of the given form. > clean - Remove a namespace (and used vars) from the given namespace, > or *ns* if none. > source - Prints a string of the source code for the given symbol > show - Prints all instance members of the given class with an > optional int, string or regex selector. > info - Analyzes the given s-expr and prints the class of the value > it returns. > dir - Prints a sorted directory of public vars in the given > namespace, or *ns* if none. > cp - Prints all files in the classpath, accept 'jars' or 'dirs' as > optional argument. > pp - Evaluates the given form and pretty prints its result. > docs - Prints documentation for the public vars in the given > namespace, or *ns* if none. > > Most of these already existed in the previous version. This time, I've > added the "clean" query which remove a namespace and all it's used > vars from a specified namespace. It can be useful while experimenting > back and forth between two version of a same API and you used "use" > for some reason. > > If you have any repetive REPL idioms which you think could be > generally useful, I would be pleased to add it. Any ideas, corrections > or comments would be welcome. > > Thanks -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Clojure" group. To post to this group, send email to Note that posts from new members are moderated - please be patient with your first post. To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at