
Am 27.01.2011 um 23:08 schrieb OGINO Masanori:

> It seems ugly for someone using them like function frequently, but
> cool for someone using them like function rarely.

Consider this:

(defn to-factory
  (-> record
    (.replaceAll "([a-z0-9])([A-Z])" "$1-$2")
    (->> (str "make-"))

(defmacro defrecordx
  [name fields & more]
  (let [defaults (into {} (map #(if (vector? %) % [% nil]) fields))
        fields   (vec (map #(if (vector? %) (nth % 0) %) fields))]
       (defrecord ~name ~fields
         (invoke [this# key#] (get this# key#))
         (invoke [this# key# default#] (get this# key# default#))
       (defn ~(to-factory name)
         [& {:keys ~fields :or ~defaults}]
         (new ~name ~@fields)))))

Usage example:

(defrecordx Ant [direction [food false]])
(make-ant :direction 0)


(defstruct ant :direction :food)
(struct-map ant :direction 0 :food false)

I kind of miss the difference in ugliness. If you want default values for your 
structs you also need a factory function. So unless you write the factory 
function for each struct, you'll also need a defstructx.

records will be the way to go. Even today. And I'm yet to see a reasonable 
example, where structs have any advantage over records. records might not be 
perfect at the moment, but neither are structs…


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