Bluefish does not work that way.    It will indent to the last
indentation in all cases.   I've never used EMacs, but all the editors
I've ever used work indenting the same way.   All I can suggest is
that you ask the Bluefish users group if there is a way to do what you

On Mar 16, 9:16 am, Lee Spector <> wrote:
> I have "Smart auto indenting" on in the preferences, and the language is set 
> to Clojure, but I don't see any smarts. If I type:
> (defn foo
> and hit return the cursor goes to the beginning of the next line, not 
> indented. If I hit the tab key it tabs in, but it'll tab anything in further 
> each time I hit tab; it's not sensitive to the syntax or at least it's not 
> going to a reasonable place for the syntax. Within a definition if I type:
>      (cons (first x)
> and hit return the cursor goes beneath the first "(", not beneath the second 
> "(" (which is the behavior of emacs modes, which I prefer) or even under the 
> "o" (which is the current behavior of Counterclockwise). Again, I can move 
> things around with tab but it's not syntax aware.
> I've tried doing this in parentheses-balanced expressions as well, but still 
> no smarts. I use this feature not only to keep my code neat but also to make 
> syntax errors visually obvious; it won't help for this if the indentation 
> isn't automatically aware of the language's syntax.
> What am I missing?
> Thanks,
>  -Lee
> On Mar 16, 2011, at 8:38 AM, WoodHacker wrote:> Check preferences from the 
> toolbar or the Bluefish dropdown.    There
> > are checks for Smart Auto Indenting and Highlighting block
> > delimiters.    There's very little this editor doesn't do.    You just
> > have to make sure all the checks you want are set.
> > Bill
> > On Mar 14, 10:06 pm, Lee Spector <> wrote:
> >> The Clojure mode activates for me, and I get a little bit syntax coloring, 
> >> autocompletion, and () matching. But I don't get language aware 
> >> indentation. Should I, or isn't this supported? (It's a really important 
> >> feature IMHO.) Also, no matching of [] or {} (less important for me).

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