On Fri, Jun 24, 2011 at 11:57 AM, .Bill Smith <william.m.sm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Sure could.  And you don't want to do this if brownFox is a function:
> (Label. brownFox)
> If you really want it to be a function, you could do the following, but I
>  think it would complicate things unnecessarily:
> (Label. (brownFox))

I can think of at least one good reason for this: i18n. The initial
implementation of brownFox may be

(defn brownFox [] "The quick brown fox...")

but the idea might be to eventually change that to

(def bundle (atom nil))

(defn get-in-bundle [^String key]
  (swap! bundle
    #(if %
        (with-open [in (reader-on blah blah blah)]
          (PropertiesResourceBundle. in))))
  (.handleGetObject ^PropertiesResourceBundle @bundle key))

(defn brownFox []
  (get-in-bundle "fox.brown"))

or something similar.

Protege: What is this seething mass of parentheses?!
Master: Your father's Lisp REPL. This is the language of a true
hacker. Not as clumsy or random as C++; a language for a more
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