On Thu, Aug 11, 2011 at 4:03 AM, Timothy Washington <twash...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Good on you. I've been looking to find a reliable way to have Javascript
> unit testing run in a v8 (or any JS) shell. I've tried Jasmine and am now
> trying Google Closure's unit testing framework, but have so far come up
> short.
> Have you come up with anything that works? For now, i'm just having the
> tests run in the browser. But trying with Nodejs is the next step.
> I don't have it at hand, right now, because I'm not at home, but I think
the Google Closure book suggests using Selenium to automatically run the
tests. Alternatively, using script/repljs might work. Do you have the tests
running a browser window already? If so, I'd love to have a look at how you
did that, because I haven't gotten that far yet myself. I'm going to give
this another shot soon, because I've learned quite a lot about ClojureScript
since I last tried to get testing to work.


> Keep it up
> Tim
> On Tue, Aug 9, 2011 at 8:53 PM, Filip de Waard <f...@vix.io> wrote:
>> I'm working on Vix, which is a document repository and content
>> management system written in Clojure with a CouchDB backend. After the
>> announcement on July 23 I immediately got excited about ClojureScript
>> and the Google Closure toolkit, so I dropped the existing Backbone.js
>> and jQuery code and rewrote all client-side functionality in
>> ClojureScript. Despite (or maybe because of) the fact that the
>> functionality is still very minimal I wanted to share this code as an
>> example of ClojureScript in the wild.
>> Be warned that:
>> - this is not perfect, clean example code written by a ClojureScript
>> expert (in several places I've used hacks and shortcuts to make things
>> work), but hopefully at least a starting point for others working on
>> similar functionality,
>> - you should read the installation instructions carefully (e.g. there
>> is still a hardcoded path in src/vix/db.clj at the time of this
>> writing, which I hope to correct in the near future),
>> - I'm actively developing this application, so things will change and
>> new features will be added frequently,
>> - the application isn't done yet, although it has a working prototype.
>> I'm concentrating on adding features that will allow users to manage
>> feeds (currently "blog" is the default feed), add media files like
>> images and to manage users. I had trouble getting unit testing to work
>> properly for the ClojureScript part of the application, so I
>> grudgingly wrote it using a non-TDD approach. Retrofitting unit tests
>> into the ClojureScript part is a priority. The user interface is also
>> lacking some bells and whistles that I had previously implemented in
>> jQuery, but still have to rewrite using Google Closure. Eventually, I
>> want to turn Vix into a commercial SaaS offering, with a focus on
>> performance (e.g. Amazon CloudFront support), scalability and webshop
>> functionality. The application itself, however, will be perpetually
>> available as open source software, because I'm committed to sharing my
>> code.
>> Here is the GitHub page for Vix: https://github.com/fmw/vix
>> This is not a "launch post" for Vix, because we're not ready for
>> supporting typical end-users yet, but I hope that the code will be
>> useful to other developers in the meantime. I'm also happy to receive
>> any feedback (positive as well as negative) and answer questions. You
>> can reply to this post, but if you prefer to contact me privately you
>> can also find my contact information on Github (https://github.com/
>> fmw).
>> Sincerely,
>> F.M. (Filip) de Waard / fmw
>> P.S. I'd like to thank the ClojureScript developers. There are
>> surprisingly few glitches considering that the project has only just
>> been released. The language is incredibly well designed and a pleasure
>> to use. Thanks for making client-side development more enjoyable!
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