So, after setting up a JVM 7 environment to play with Clojure, and 
enthusiastically rummaging through the codebase, I have good news and bad 
news. :)

(To quickly answer someone's question here -- I do know that it's a low 
priority for the Clojure project, but thought the potential benefit could be 
worth *my* personal time. A few people suggested that invokedynamic would 
not be that useful for Clojure, but I'm a skeptic and wanted to see for 
myself. I think other questions posed here are answered in the long report 

The bad news is that I don't think Clojure can benefit from JVM 7's 
invokedynamic. The good news is that it is unnecessary, because Clojure's 
compiler is already efficient, and entirely bypasses all the pesky problems 
other dynamic JVM languages have, for which invokedynamic was introduced. (I 
work a lot with Rhino, JRuby, Jython, Groovy and Quercus (a JVM PHP engine), 
and can anecdotally say that Clojure and Quercus are "fastest" of their 
breed for the kind of web development work I do.)

The thing is that Clojure's compiler is itself very Clojure-like, in that it 
treats functions as a first-class data type, just like maps, sequences, 
vars, etc. In the runtime, all of these data types share common interfaces, 
such as ISeq, IVar and -- you guessed it -- IFn. This situation is very 
unlike many non-Lisp languages, in which functions are often methods bound 
to classes, modules, interfaces, etc., all that heavy internal structure 
that Lisps implement in Lisp. So, when Clojure calls a function, it either 
already has the instance in its entirety (a lambda) or it finds it by 
dereferencing a binding. Since all functions are instances that implement 
IFn, the implementation can then call invokeinterface, which is very 

[See clojure.lang.Compiler#InvokeExpr.emitArgsAndCall]

Clojure can get away with this especially easily because the only variant 
for function signatures in Clojure is arity. So, all we need is a simple 
switch to call the IFn method with the correct arity. (Interestingly, this 
means that Clojure has a fixed set of such signatures, and thus a fixed 
upper limit to arity: 20, in case you were wondering.)

In a language like Ruby, methods are not so free floating, and have much 
more complex invocation styles as well as flexible signatures. (Clojure has 
only one style: function calls are simple forms.) So, in order to use 
invokeinterface, JRuby implementors would have had to create special classes 
*per* method *per* invocation style if they wanted to be efficient. But this 
is impossible, because so many classes would exhaust the perm-gen. For those 
languages, invokedynamic is a terrific solution, because it lets them 
dynamically link the implementation to the caller via a flexible 
"bootstrapping" mechanism, allowing them to do entirely without the extra 
class definition. Since all Clojure functions share essentially the same 
class as well as interface, none of these challenges exist.

Another aspect is the immutability of these IFn instances: you can't 
refactor them at runtime, all you can do is change the bindings to refer to 
new functions. So, Clojure achieves runtime dynamics by letting you simply 
rebind new functions to existing Vars, Refs, Atoms, etc., and the same 
invocation route continues as usual. In a language like Ruby, the 
bootstrapping mechanism of invokedynamic lets implementors change the base 
linkage to reflect a new signature for the method. Again, a terrific JVM 7 
feature that Clojure simply does not need.

Another issue I examined was how Clojure calls non-Clojure JVM code, 
thinking that perhaps there invokedynamic would be useful. But, Clojure 
again has a straightforward approach that poses no problems. Here, Clojure 
very directly calls non-Clojure code using invokestatic, invokevirtual or 
invokeinterface as appropriate. A Clojure form with the "." or ".." 
notations translates quite directly to a JVM method call. In fact, there's 
no significant difference between how Clojure compiles such code and how a 
Java compiler (such as javac) would compile such code. Clojure, too, 
explicitly handles boxing and unboxing of primitive types and other 
conveniences. Where Clojure slightly differs is in how it picks the correct 
method to call (it does method reflection, but only once during the 
compilation phase), and its coercion of types to match the called method -- 
after all, its type system is dynamic.

[See clojure.lang.Compiler#InstanceMethodExpr, StaticMethodExpr, etc.]

Again, this is different from an implementation like JRuby, in which the 
design decision was that non-Ruby code would live in Ruby "as if" it were 
Ruby code, supporting that Ruby invocation styles. This makes such calls 
compile like calls to other Ruby functions, and thus represents the same 
challenges mentioned above.

One thought about this: Actually, this is a place where Clojure *could* be 
more like JRuby, and allow for tighter integration with non-Clojure code. 
For example, I think it would convenient if, say, a non-static Java method 
on a Java class could be extracted from its context and be treated as a 
simple form by Clojure, in which case it would carry a class instance with 
it. This is called a "delegate" in the Java world. A similar effect is 
easily achieved in Clojure by using, well, closures (created by bind, let, 
etc.), but such a "delegate" would let the Java method live outside of 
closures, and behave like a regular Clojure fn. For example, it can be 
returned from a closure or be bound to a Var. Depending on how this feature 
is implemented, it might make sense to use invokedynamic for it, thought I'm 
guessing that it, again, that would prove unnecessary.

Another note re: JRuby, is that it also has a very nice implementation of 
constants that makes use of invokedynamic, which ends up being somewhat 
similar to the problem of switching functions dynamically, but also uses a 
"SwitchPoint" mechanism to allow for very efficient concurrent mutability of 
constants. Indeed, JRuby makes use of every part of JSR-292! Clojure doesn't 
need consts, of course, because everything is immutable.

In summary, Clojure's dynamics are already handled as well as could be on 
the JVM, at least as far as I can see.

And so my direct contribution to Clojure in this case is not a code patch, 
but a research report. :) It's kinda like how the Large Hadron Collider 
might end up disproving the existence of the Higgs boson. (Yes, I just 
compared myself to the LHC! And also compared invokedynamic to the "God 
Particle"! Everything is awesome!)

If anyone thinks I missed something, please let me know. I've stared at this 
problem so much that I may have ended up cross-eyed.


A related issue --

Though Clojure may not be able to benefit from invokedynamic, I think it 
would be nice if it had support for working with it. For example, a set of 
macros that would be able to create MethodHandles from Clojure functions, 
and a way to create "bootstrap" functions in Clojure (the latter would need 
to be supported in the Clojure runtime). This could be useful if someone 
would want to write an implementation of a dynamic language in Clojure, or 
if Clojure is to be embedded in another of the dynamic languages. Since 
Clojure *is* a dynamic language (albeit one that does not need 
invokedynamic) it would be a friendly gesture for it to play nicely with 
other dynamic languages on JVM 7, which will probably make heavy use of 

It might be a good idea to put this on a roadmap somewhere for that day in 
the far future where Clojure fully supports JVM 7 features.

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