Nicolas <> writes: > An interresting point of clojure is that it is dynamically typed. This > for a reason. There is a tradeoff in performance but the benefit is > that the code is shorter, more expressive and reusable. > > Type hinting should be exceptionnal and used only in critical areas > when you see a huge boost in performance. And if you need this boost. > > I think then that's the library author responsability and own right to > figure by himself where ultimate performance is needed or instead > where greater flexibility is to be prefered.
Type hints are only for Java interop, and when dealing with java objects, I don't think it's false to think in java. For example, when I have (defn do-something [foo] (+ (.doubleValue foo) 2)) in my library, then I clearly assume foo to be some java object that is instance of a class that defines some doubleValue method with zero parameters and which returns some number (at minimum, although the name suggests a double). Feeding anything else in it that doesn't fulfill that assumption (no such method, other return type) will blow up anyway, because + only works for numbers. So in that case, why shouldn't I add a ^Number type hint to foo, because Number declares the doubleValue method? If I really want that function to be open for other java types I did not foresee, then I'd use a protocol that clearly documents my assumptions: (defprotocol CanConvertToDouble "Protocol for things convertable to a java.lang.Double." (as-double [this] "Returns a double representation of this.")) Then I'd extend that protocol to the types I have in mind when developing that library. (extend-protocol CanConvertToDouble Number (as-double [n] (.doubleValue n))) Then my function can work with the protocol abstraction instead of a concrete type: (defn do-something [foo] (+ (as-double foo) 2)) So now I don't need reflection anymore while still being open. If some user of my library really feels the need to feed his SomeUserType-objects that don't derive from Number into my function, then he's fine to do so by extending the protocol to his own java type. (extend-protocol CanConvertToDouble SomeUserType (as-double [n] (.doSomeFancyStuffToConvertNIntoADouble n))) That's basically some kind of EULA: "Hereby I agree, that I have read and fully understood, that Tassilo's library assumes that invoking as-double on my object returns some java.lang.Number. If I don't fulfill that contract and my computer explodes, it's my own fault." Bye, Tassilo -- (What the world needs (I think) is not (a Lisp (with fewer parentheses)) but (an English (with more.))) Brian Hayes, -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Clojure" group. To post to this group, send email to Note that posts from new members are moderated - please be patient with your first post. To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at