now I'm in a similar trouble...I'm trying  resolve the problem 31 from 
4clojure ...It says:
Write a function which packs consecutive duplicates into sub-lists.
[image: test not run]
(= (__ [1 1 2 1 1 1 3 3]) '((1 1) (2) (1 1 1) (3 3)))

I know than I can use identity and others clojure functions but I wanna 
resolve this using loop too
my idea is it:
I've a mem..this is the final list than I will return and a temporary 
first I compare my first and second item and if these are the same I 
include it in my temp list
if they are different then I include my temp list inside mem (a better name 
would be final_list) and
clear my temp putting the second item in it
I iterate until than my list become empty

the code could be this:

(defn packing [lista]
  (loop [[fst snd & rst] lista    mem []    tmp '(fst)]
    (if (seq? lista)
      (if (= fst snd)
        (recur (rest lista) mem (cons snd tmp))
        (recur (rest lista) (conj mem tmp) (list snd)))
      (seq mem))))

if I run this I get a java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space 

It is tail recursive, I'm not sure if I can use 2 distinct recursions 
inside a loop but I think than must be possible..what am I doing wrong??...
thanks so much

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