Came across the following in one of the clojure libs (congomongo to be

(defn command
  "Executes a database command."
  {:arglists '([cmd {:options nil :from :clojure :to :clojure}])}
  [cmd & {:keys [options from to]
          :or {options nil from :clojure to :clojure}}]
  (let [db (get-db *mongo-config*)
        coerced (coerce cmd [from :mongo])]
    (coerce (if options
              (.command db ^DBObject coerced (int options))
              (.command db ^DBObject coerced))
            [:mongo to])))

My question is why do we have BOTH :arglists metadata and usual fn
args destructuring?
  {:arglists '([cmd {:options nil :from :clojure :to :clojure}])}
  [cmd & {:keys [options from to]
          :or {options nil from :clojure to :clojure}}]

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