On Wed, Jul 11, 2012 at 14:46 +0200, Tassilo Horn wrote:
> Hm, probably yes.  But you can implement the other arities quiet easily.
> So that version also accepts the version that reads into a byte array.
> The third version is left as an exercise for the reader. ;-)

Thanks, I've done that and had to change your code a little in order to
provide the same behaviour as the Java equivalent. (return -1 when no data can
be read). The following is the implementation I use without problems now:

--- snip ---
(defn concat-input-stream
  "Gets one or many input streams and returns a new input stream that
  concatenates the given streams."
  ^java.io.InputStream [^java.io.InputStream is & more]
  (proxy [java.io.InputStream] []
       (let [input (.read is)]
         (if (and (== -1 input) (seq more))
           (.read (apply concat-input-stream (first more) (rest more)))
       (loop [i 0]
         (if (== i (alength arr))
           (let [input (.read this)]
             (if (== -1 input)
               (if (== 0 i) input i)
                 (clojure.core/aset arr i (byte input))
                 (recur (inc i))))))))
      ([arr off len]
       (loop [i 0]
         (if (or (== i len)
                 (== (+ off i) (alength arr)))
           (let [input (.read this)]
             (if (== -1 input)
               (if (== 0 i) input i)
                 (clojure.core/aset arr (+ off i) (byte input))
                 (recur (inc i)))))))))))
--- snip ---

Thanks again for your help. Unfortunately I am still not sure what to use if I
face even more horrible SGML in the future, but I think the best solution
depends on the exact data ... Be that as it may: I am happy now. :)
Wolodja <babi...@gmail.com>

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