
Am 13.07.2012 um 23:48 schrieb Kevin Downey:

> thank you for responding personally to me, but I sent my message to
> clojure google group.
> given the thread has the subject "Concatenating InputStreams" and I
> linked javadocs for a standard part of java.io that does exactly that,
> I am surprised that you decided to respond with "tl;dr", but I have
> noted your response and will in the future let you prattle on endless
> reinventing functionality that already exists.

Sometimes it is necessary to write an endless prattle of reinvention to show 
that things are not as trivial as they might seem. The devil often lies in the 
details and one must pay close attention. (Even my endless prattle is still 

At the end of my message I referred to SequenceInputStream together with a 
reinvention of SeqEnumeration, which I didn't know, but was pointed to by Alan 
Malloy, who obviously – in contrast to you – read my message before responding.

Kind regards

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