Giant +1 to moving forward. I've been getting concerned 
about the longevity of the site, and I would really miss it if it were gone.

On Thursday, October 4, 2012 4:35:33 PM UTC-4, Michael Klishin wrote:
> 2012/10/5 Bronsa < <javascript:>>
>> Wouldn't it be better for readevalprintlove and clojuredocs to join 
>> forces from the beginning?
> It's not clear what readevalprintlove wants to be. clojuredocs has been 
> discussed for a while by some people who care
> about Clojure documentation. There are pretty specific plans about the 
> guides and moving forward
> to 1.4 and (hopefully, at some point) multi-version support. In part the 
> guides portion of clojuredocs (the organization)
> will follow the projects model which is known to work 
> well and even produced some tools
> we can easily reuse and adapt.
> readevalprintlove looks like a fancy playground so far.
> There are multiple aspects to good documentation, see 
> -- 
> MK

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