How does it work? What kinds of dead-code can it detect?


On Fri, Oct 26, 2012 at 9:17 AM, David Greenberg <>wrote:

> Guzheng is a library for doing branch coverage analysis on Clojure
> projects at the command line.
> Guzheng will warn you which branches were not executed in your
> project. It understands all forms
> of conditional execution in clojure.core, except for lazy sequence
> constructors, macros, protocols,
> and when-first. All other forms of conditional execution will be
> flagged if there were never executed
> while the program ran.
> To use guzheng, simply add [lein-guzheng "1.4.3"] to your leiningen
> plugins or dependencies
> (guzheng is compatible with Lein1 and Lein2). Basic usage:
>     lein guzheng my.ns -- test # What code in my.ns wasn't executed by
> the tests?
> See
> for more on usage.
> Pull requests welcome!
> --
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