John Aspden posted an interesting question on Stack Overflow about adding
all of the latest versions of contrib libraries as dependencies in a REPL
session.  The question and my response can be found here:

Since this solution might be generally useful, I have packaged it as a
library that can either be used as nREPL middleware or invoked manually in
an already-running REPL.  The code, usage instructions, and sample project
demonstrating the middleware usage can be found at


nREPL middleware to look up the latest versions of all Clojure contrib
libraries and add them as dependencies. Can also be used manually in an
already-running REPL.
A. Use as nREPL middleware

Edit project.clj:

  :dependencies [[rplevy/contrib-repl "0.1.0"]]
  :repl-options {:nrepl-middleware [contrib-repl.middleware/add-contrib-deps]}

Then run lein repl to enter a repl with all contrib dependencies added.
B. Invoke from an already running REPL

In a REPL session:

(require '[cemerick.pomegranate :as pom])(pom/add-dependencies
:coordinates '[[rplevy/contrib-repl "0.1.0"]]
                      :repositories {"clojars"
""})(require '[contrib-repl.manually :refer
[add-contrib-deps]])(add-contrib-deps) ; add all of the contrib
You can also add just a subset of the contrib libraries:
(add-contrib-deps ["tools.nrepl" "core.match"]) ; only add these libraries


Copyright © 2012 Robert P. Levy

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.

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