Hm. Interesting. For the record, the exact code I'm running right now that
I'm seeing great parallelism with is this:

(defn reverse-recursively [coll]
  (loop [[r & more :as all] (seq coll)
         acc '()]
    (if all
      (recur more (cons r acc))

(defn burn
  ([] (loop [i 0
             value '()]
        (if (>= i 10000)
          (count (last (take 10000 (iterate reverse-recursively value))))
          (recur (inc i)
                   (* (int i)
                      (+ (float i)
                         (- (int i)
                            (/ (float i)
                               (inc (int i))))))
  ([_] (burn)))

(defn pmapall
  "Like pmap but: 1) coll should be finite, 2) the returned sequence
   will not be lazy, 3) calls to f may occur in any order, to maximize
   multicore processor utilization, and 4) takes only one coll so far."
  [f coll]
  (let [agents (map agent coll)]
    (dorun (map #(send % f) agents))
    (apply await agents)
    (doall (map deref agents))))

(defn -main
  [& args]
  (time ( doall( pmapall burn (range 100))))
  (System/exit 0))

On Tue, Dec 11, 2012 at 3:00 PM, Andy Fingerhut <>wrote:

> Marshall:
> I'm not practiced in recognizing megamorphic call sites, so I could be
> missing some in the example code below, modified from Lee's original code.
>  It doesn't use reverse or conj, and as far as I can tell doesn't use
> PersistentList, either, only Cons.
> (defn burn-cons [size]
>   (let [size (long size)]
>     (loop [i (long 0)
>            value nil]
>       (if (>= i size)
>         (last value)
>         (recur (inc i) (clojure.lang.Cons.
>                         (* (int i)
>                            (+ (float i)
>                               (- (int i)
>                                  (/ (float i)
>                                     (inc (int i))))))
>                         value))))))
> (a) invoke (burn-cons 2000000) sequentially 64 times in a single JVM
> (b) invoke (burn-cons 2000000) 64 times using a modified version of pmap
> that limits the number of active threads to 2 (see below), in a single JVM.
>  I would hope that this would take about half the elapsed time than (a),
> but the elapsed time is longer than (a)
> (c) start up two JVMs simultaneously and invoke (burn-cons 2000000)
> sequentially 32 times in each.  The elapsed time here is less than (a), as
> I would expect.
> (Clojure 1.4, Oracle/Apple JDK 1.6.0_37, Mac OS X 10.6.8, running on a
> machine with Intel core i7 with 4 physical cores but OS X reports it as 8 I
> think because of 2 hyperthreads per core -- more details available on
> request).
> Can you try to reproduce to see if you get similar results?  If so, do you
> know why we get bad parallelism in a single JVM for this code?  If there
> are no megamorphic call sites, then it is examples like this that lead me
> to wonder about locking in memory allocation and/or GC.
> With the functions below, my part (b) was measured by doing:
> (time (doall (nthreads-pmap 2 (burn-cons 2000000) (unchunk (range 64)))))
> Andy
> (defn unchunk [s]
>   (when (seq s)
>     (lazy-seq
>      (cons (first s)
>            (unchunk (next s))))))
> (defn nthreads-pmap
>   "Like pmap, except can take an argument nthreads to control the
>   maximum number of parallel threads used."
>   ([f coll]
>      (let [n (+ 2 (.. Runtime getRuntime availableProcessors))]
>        (nthreads-pmap n f coll)))
>   ([nthreads f coll]
>      (if (= nthreads 1)
>        (map f coll)
>        (let [n (dec nthreads)
>              rets (map #(future (f %)) coll)
>              step (fn step [[x & xs :as vs] fs]
>                     (lazy-seq
>                      (if-let [s (seq fs)]
>                        (cons (deref x) (step xs (rest s)))
>                        (map deref vs))))]
>          (step rets (drop n rets)))))
>   ([nthreads f coll & colls]
>    (let [step (fn step [cs]
>                 (lazy-seq
>                  (let [ss (map seq cs)]
>                    (when (every? identity ss)
>                      (cons (map first ss) (step (map rest ss)))))))]
>      (nthreads-pmap nthreads #(apply f %) (step (cons coll colls))))))
> On Dec 11, 2012, at 10:06 AM, Marshall Bockrath-Vandegrift wrote:
> > Lee Spector <> writes:
> >
> >> If the application does lots of "list processing" but does so with a
> >> mix of Clojure list and sequence manipulation functions, then one
> >> would have to write private, list/cons-only versions of all of these
> >> things? That is -- overstating it a bit, to be sure, but perhaps not
> >> entirely unfairly -- re-implement Clojure's Lisp?
> >
> > I just did a quick look over clojure/core.clj, and `reverse` is the only
> > function which stood out to me as hitting the most pathological case.
> > Every other `conj` loop over a user-provided datastructure is `conj`ing
> > into an explicit non-list/`Cons` type.
> >
> > So I think if you replace your calls to `reverse` and any `conj` loops
> > you have in your own code, you should see a perfectly reasonable
> > speedup.
> >
> > -Marshall
> >
> > --
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